Search engine optimization

Improve your online findability with targeted search engine optimization

Optimize online findability

Search engine optimization is the optimization of a website to improve its findability in search engines. With search engine optimization, we ensure that your website is better found and displayed higher in free organic search results.

Did you know that nearly 90% of consumers search online before making a purchase or purchasing a service? That means that if you are not at the top of the search results you are missing out on opportunities. We can help you increase your online visibility.

Online vindbaarheid optimaliseren

How a search engine works

Every day, search engines scan huge numbers of Web sites to gain insight into what a Web page is about. This scanning involves not only plain text but also things like page titles, images and outbound links. Under the hood, a Web site should load quickly and be easily indexed. This gives a search engine a good impression of a Web page.

All this information is stored in a database. When you enter a search query, this database searches at lightning speed for web pages that are relevant and match your query. The higher the relevance, the higher the position in the search results.

Hoe werkt een zoekmachine

Technology and authority

Your website must be fast and optimally accessible to search engines in order to be properly indexed. Not only do we optimize the speed and source code of your website, but we also check that the mobile version is user-friendly and easily accessible.

After taking care of the content and technology, it is important to provide links to other websites and references to your website. Web pages with relevant links tend to rank higher in search results.

Zoekmachine techniek en autoriteit

Constant process and therefore never finished

Search engine optimization is a constant process and therefore never finished. Search behavior is changing and new competitors are being born. In addition, search engines regularly change their search algorithms that can affect your ranking. The knobs we can turn to influence your position may be obsolete or less effective tomorrow.

Search engines appreciate it when a website is regularly provided with new, high-quality content. That’s why we make sure the content on your website keeps moving. In fact, websites that are frequently updated with new content tend to rank higher in search results.

Zoekmachine optimalisatie is een constant proces en daarom nooit af

... and takes time

It takes time to improve your position in the (free) results of Google and other search engines. Improvements must first be thought out and actually implemented on your website.

After this, a search engine needs some time to revisit and index your website, process all the optimizations and determine its position relative to your competitors. Therefore, it can take 4 months to a year for growth to take off.

Zoekmachine optimalisatie kost tijd

SEO optimization for web shops

SEO optimization for web shops focuses not on more visitors but on more leads and more sales. How we do that? We provide inviting content, good product descriptions and beautiful product photos.

We also look at the customer experience and provide both solicited and unsolicited advice to improve it.

SEO optimalisatie voor webshops

Altijd fijn om samen te werken met iemand die denkt in oplossingen in plaats van problemen.

Jojo Mulder
Jojo Mulder

Dankjewel Ferry! De nieuwe website is echt heel erg mooi geworden!

Search engine optimization
Dorien de Beurs

De reacties over de nieuwe webshop zijn echt heel positief! Complimenten voor het team!

Search engine optimization
Diyenne Snijders
Chat tijdens kantooruren met een WordPress specialist voor snel antwoord op uw vragen
Welkom bij Ferry 👋