The benefits of an API connection
In everyday life, we often have to deal with software environments that do not communicate with each other or do not communicate optimally. In practice, this often means transferring information from one system into another. This method is labor intensive and increases the likelihood of errors.
Having an API link created is a way for different software environments to communicate with each other and exchange information. As a result, information only needs to be entered once. This saves time because you can work faster and more efficiently.
API interfacing with cloud services
An API link is often used to allow internal systems to communicate with each other. An API link can also be used for sharing information outside the company.
For example, with cloud services, payment providers, online accounting programs, websites. HR, CRM and ERP systems. This way, employees, associates and suppliers always have the right information.
What is the cost of an API link?
The cost of an API link depends on several factors. Should we connect relatively old systems or software environments that offer modern APIs that are neatly documented? Should there be only a link or should there be something to do with the information being exchanged?
For a simple API link, we handle about 1 to 2 business days. Would you like an exact quote? If so, please contact us so we can provide you with no obligation advice.
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